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What compensation can you get in a wrongful death suit?

On Behalf of | Jun 21, 2024 | Wrongful Death

If you lose a loved one due to another’s negligence in California, you might consider a wrongful death suit. This legal action seeks to address the financial and emotional losses resulting from the death. Family members like spouses, children, or dependents typically qualify to seek compensation.

These suits help cover the economic support the deceased would have provided and acknowledge the non-financial contributions to their family’s well-being. 

Types of economic damages available

Economic damages aim to provide a tangible measure of support to the bereaved family, helping to mitigate the financial impact of their loss. These include the costs for funeral and burial.

You can also claim lost wages, which account for the income the deceased would have earned had they lived. This calculation often considers the deceased’s earning capacity and job stability. It also looks at the potential career growth they would have had.

Loss of financial support extends beyond wages to include benefits and financial contributions the deceased would have provided to their family, such as retirement savings and health insurance contributions.

Courts assess these figures based on past contributions and potential future support, adjusted for factors like inflation and life expectancy. 

Non-economic damages and their impact

If you are involved in a wrongful death suit, you may seek compensation for loss of companionship, which acknowledges the emotional suffering due to the absence of a loved one. 

Additionally, compensation for emotional distress covers the psychological impact experienced by family members.

Courts evaluate these claims based on the depth of the relationship and the emotional toll on the survivors. However, it’s important to note that the outcome of each case varies, as these assessments are inherently personal and differ widely from one situation to another.